Sunday, April 25, 2010

Crooked... crooked... crooked

Got some bad news the other day which made me upset...

As i was mooning over it for sometime i remember a nursery rhyme we used to recite in chorus during my primary school years. I am sure some of you may have learned the four original lines as written below...

there was a crooked man who walked a crooked mile

he found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile

he bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse

and they all live together in a little crooked house

somehow it lightened my mood thinking of the fun i had reciting it as a six year old simply imagining visions of crooked lines and crooked creatures as mentioned in the rhyme. Seeing how i had viewed and related the very same crooked things in it to all the crooked and unlikely things in life now that i am older has given a different view of not only the rhyme but the authors purpose in writing it.

I thought of sharing it then unto my blog. First i did some research since i am not so sure if i remember the lines exactly, only to find out the content has basis originating from the english stuart history of King CharlesI.

The crooked man is reputed to be the scottish general Sir Edward Leslie. Allegedly, he signed a covenant securing religious and political freedom for Scottland.

The crooked stile referred to the borderline between England and Scottland.They all lived together in a crooked house referred to the fact that english and scots had at last come to an agreement.

So that, from the very start this nursery rhyme has some very serious meaning within and thinking i hadn't made a mistake in relating it to real life situations.Then, somebody by the name of Akara K. created a twisted version of the poem adding three more stanzas to it and retaining the original rhyme as the first stanza.Here goes the additional stanzas...

he met a crooked woman and found a crooked preach

they had a crooked marriage on a crooked little beach

they had some crooked children and lived a crooked life

the crooked man, the cat, the mouse, the children and the wife

they were happy for a number of crookedly long years

lived a life of crooked happiness, no worries and no fears

until one day the crooked wife upset the crooked man

he yelled a crooked yell and then he hit her and he ran

the crooked man came again at the stroke of twelve

that was when their crooked life became a living hell

there was a crooked man and he waked a crooked mile

and when he killed his wife and kids he smiled a crooked smile

Now it does'nt have a happy ending and i think the second author is talking simply of a family with all its complications...But going back to where I started, guess there will always be some kind of crooked thing about life there to make us all the more appreciate the good things about it. Have a nice day pals...

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